All Classes and Interfaces

Main class of the SWM API.
Exception thrown when a world could not be read from its data file.
Exception thrown when SWM is loaded on a non-supported Spigot version.
Exception thrown when a folder does not contain a valid Minecraft world.
Exception thrown when a world is encoded using a newer SRF format than the one that SWM supports.
Credits to Minikloon for this class.
In-memory representation of a SRF chunk.
In-memory representation of a SRF chunk section.
Generic SWM exception.
Class containing some standards of the SRF.
SlimeLoaders are in charge of loading worlds from a data source, and also locking and deleting them.
Class with all existing slime world properties.
A property describing behavior of a slime world.
A slime property of type boolean
A slime property of type float
A slime property of type integer
A Property Map object.
A slime property of type integer
In-memory representation of a SRF world.
Exception thrown when a world could not be found.
Exception thrown when a world already exists inside a data source.
Exception thrown when a world is loaded when trying to import it.
Exception thrown when a MC world is too big to be converted into the SRF.